All revenue collected via minting goes directly to the artists featured.

View All Wallet Transactions (Zora Network): 0x16d21C1dc38caa330a097547087738b31e63EbcB

Revenue Pay Out Amount $$ = (Total Revenue) / (# of slides artist is featured in post)

Minting profits will never be withdrawn out of the wallet without artist permission. 

Artists will be paid in USD via PayPal or in USDC via the Base Network if a wallet address is not currently set up.

Sign up for Zora here.

All owed revenue will be sent by the end of each month.

Money owed towards unknown artists and/or sources will be held onto indefinitely until verified.


A core tenant of creating posts is that (often) other artists' works are used. The best way of crediting these individuals on Instagram is with a tag, and this gives exposure to each artist featured. However, with my own carousel, I am now capable of providing even more in depth sources, citations, and external links to the artists who are showcased! I figure that if I am going to use other artwork/pieces without permission, then I better at least compensate the artists in any way I possibly can. I want this project of mine to be in totally good faith.

Platforms such as Zora allow users to "mint" a digital copy of each post for themselves. This means that users will own a digital copy of the entire post that can be used in online applications that support the usage of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). By uploading to Zora, the artists featured in my posts can gain exposure and revenue without having to put in any prior investment.

I do recognize that there will be individuals who do not wish to have their artwork featured in my posts. If you are one of these artists, please contact me at and the post will be deleted/delisted as soon as possible. I never wish to cause any harm to any other artists. This project of mine is an outlet for me that allows me to showcase all the media I love in a creative fashion, but it is totally understandable if one does not wish to participate in it without prior permission.

How Payments Will Be Processed

Currently as of June, 2024 the only way to transfer a pre-determined (your due revenue) link to accept payment that I know of is through Coinbase's wallet. That being said I recognize that there will be non-crypto native individuals who do not know/wish to create or use a Coinbase wallet.

My current procedure is to contact the artists directly, inform them about the post and the usage of their artwork, and then (hopefully) be granted permission to send them money via PayPal or the Base Network (Coinbase wallet). As an American, it just makes sense for me to send USD over PayPal because that is my default currency. For users onchain, there is the option to directly receive USDC via Base.

For the fastest possible payment, having a Zora address is ideal. I strongly encourage creating a wallet address or a Zora address as it will allow you to automatically get paid for being featured in a post! When I create the initial mint, it is possible for me to add your address to the revenue split so that you are directly sent your amount of ETH on the Zora Network that is due. You can bridge that ETH on the Zora Network to a larger Layer 2 network on Ethereum such as Base. "What exactly is Base?"

"How can we prove that Epoch is or is not sending due payments?"

Simple, just go look at how the tokens collected via minting on the Zora Network are moved online. With blockchain and my wallet address, this is all public information. Every single transaction and the amount of ETH.