“Post Internet” is a term I heard Marisa Olson talk about somewhere between 2007 and 2009.
The Internet, of course, was not over. That’s wasn’t the point. Rather, let’s say this: what we mean when we say “Internet” changed and “post Internet” served as shorthand for this change.
So, what changed? What about what we mean when we say “Internet” changed so drastically that we can speak of “post Internet” with a straight face?
On some general level, the rise of social networking and the professionalization of web design reduced the technical nature of network computing, shifting the Internet from a specialized world for nerds and the technologically-minded, to a mainstream world for nerds, the technologically-minded and grandmas and sports fans and business people and painters and everyone else. Here comes everybody.
Furthermore, any hope for the Internet to make things easier, to reduce the anxiety of my existence, was simply over—it failed—and it was just another thing to deal with. What we mean when we say “Internet” became not a thing in the world to escape into, but rather the world one sought escape from…sigh…It became the place where business was conducted, and bills were paid. It became the place where people tracked you down.
http://122909a.com/ - Gene McHugh, Post Internet. September 12, 2010.
"Don't you think dreams and the Internet are similar? They are both areas where the repressed conscious mind vents."
- Yasutaka Tsutsui, Paprika. 2006.
Don’t be fooled by the internet. It’s cool to get on the computer, but don’t let the computer get on you. It’s cool to use the computer, but don’t let the computer use you. Y’all saw ‘The Matrix.’ There is a war going on. The battlefield is the mind, and the prize is the soul. So, be careful. Be very careful.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy7i9ru7HB8 - Prince Rogers Nelson on Yahoo Internet Life Awards. 1999.